Jane Moore, LCSW

Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Behaviorial Health, Self-care/Wellness, Insomnia, Anxiety/Depression, Healthy Eating, Children/Youth and Families, Life Transitions
My Story…
During my career as a clinical social worker, I developed a passion for learning and educating others about the benefits of alternative treatment methods for trauma, depression, anxiety, and pain. These were different from traditional western medicine and psychotherapy practices. My appreciation of the relationship between trauma and stress to our physical and emotional bodies allows me to help patients at Clinix to develop new coping skills and direct them to useful community resources.
While in undergraduate school in Topeka, Kansas, I was involved in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization. This inspired me to direct my studies to social work and continue to my Masters Degree from the University of Denver. The next 12 years included working as a therapist, including trauma therapy.
When not working or continuing my education, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, hiking, watching movies, and being physically active. I have my White and Blue belt in Nia (Neurological Integrative Activity). Nia is an integration of dance, martial arts, and healing arts accomplished through 52 moves which keeps me young and flexible with an expressive outlet. And it’s just a lot of fun! I loved the arts and music as a teenager and I continue to sing in community choruses.
I consider it an honor and privilege when Clinix patients allow me to sit and listen to their worries, heartaches, and health/life challenges while trusting me to provide them with solutions, insight, and paradigm shifts to improve and enhance their life.
Going to a Counselor or Therapist when you’re feeling sad or overwhelmed
Should be as normal as going to the Doctor when you have the flu.
Jane is available to work with you regarding:
- Depression
- Alcohol
- Overuse
- Recovery from Concussions
- Anxiety
- Sobriety and Recovery issues
- Emotional Eating
- Social Anxiety
- Loss and Grief
- Trauma
- Insomnia
- Aging Parents
Life Transitions: Career loss/change, Marriage/Divorce, First child/Empty Nest Syndrome